Need IT Support?

Artline Kitchens uses a program called Quick Support developed by TeamViewer to provide remote access support over the internet.

What’s Next?

One you click on the download button you computer might ask 2 questions:

  1. Would you like to run or download this program (Click Run)
  2. Would you like to allow this program to make changes (Click Yes)

Once the program starts, you will need to advise us of your Meeting ID (1) and Password (2)


If you are already running a version of TeamViewer you may need to exit this temporarily for our version (V9) to run, simply:

  1. Look in the bottom right corner in the computer’s task bar, can you can see TeamViewer icon?  If you can right click on it and select Exit Teamviewer.
  2. Don’t forget to restart your version of TeamViewer after meting with Artline is finished.